Structured Products

Look at Risk, See Returns
Often used to lower risk and create stable income, Structured Products have become a main focus for wealth managers. We design and distribute bespoke products based on our fundamental and technical analysis of current market conditions.
Structured Products designed from an investors perspective. We evaluate the fundamental value of the underlying while matching the timing of issue to correct market conditions. Most of our products focus on providing clients with a predictable income stream while reducing equity risk exposure. In more rare circumstances, we develop leveraged products to take advantage of changes in volatility and large moves in the market.


We start with a the fundamental and technical picture of various indexes and individual stocks. We focus on strong names in strong sectors. Relative outperformance scans and strong analyst backing are key selection criteria.


After identifying appropriate underlyings, we examine their correlation and covariance to minimize risk. We also look for appropriate entries in times of increased volatility.


Working with a range of bank trade desks in multiple jurisdictions allows us to outprice competitors tied to single banks. As a large volume structurer, we gain robust discounts across all product segments.

Other Businesses

We offer a full suite of comprehensive Wealth Management solutions, including Healthcare, Family Office Service, and Asset Management

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