AVC Advisory

Multinational, Cross-border Wealth Managers
Since 2001, AVC Advisory continues to expand our clients' horizons, break barriers that limit achieving their success, and advance them to new heights otherwise unknown.

Asset Management

Scalable, rules based investment portfolios using liquid, low cost ETFs. Individualized tactical security holdings to complement and diversify large portfolios.

Asset Protection and Inheritance

Offshore High Net Worth Insurance, Trusts, and Funds for Inheritance, Estate Planning and Tax Purposes.

Health Insurance

Premium World Wide Health Insurance with personal support for all family members.


Residency Permits, Multiple Passports, and Cross-Border Tax Planning.

Client Centric

As wealth managers, AVC Advisory tackles complex financial and personal issues - investments, inheritance, tax planning and healthcare - coordinating experts on behalf of our clients. We are the axis for all aspects of our clients' personal financial affairs.

Platform Agnostic

Regardless of where assets are held, we provide effective money management. Cost and speed is key, but sometimes tax, legal and security issues are higher priority for clients. At the same time, financial reporting will never hinder effective management.

Transparent Costs

Value is our top priority. We always seek financial products and services only in competitive marketplaces. Our fees are transparent, competitive, and aligned with our clients' goals. Simply put, our relationship is based on a fiduciary responsibility where conflicts of interest do not exist.

How we work

Make a reality of your goals

Set Goals

Our first meetings involve setting basic goals. We agree on what we are going to achieve.

Identify a Current Position

Next, we provide clients a concise, yet complete, view of their financial situation.

Fix the Gaps

Between the goal and the current situation lies a gap. Once identified, we create solutions to remove those shortfalls.

Implement and Monitor

A plan is nothing but a working strategy. Finality is eternal. We continually work to align goals with possibilities, match liabilities with assets, and make the future a reality.

Our Businesses

Diverse but specialized solutions
We have several areas of expertise that deserve seperate focus and attention. We have developed businesses around four main themes:
Family Office Service, Healthcare, Structured Products, and Asset Management.

Ready to be engaged ?

Lets set up a virtual meeting

Our Statistics

With many businesses, AVC Advisory has a truly diverse clientele. Their diversity adds to our perspective, experience, and knowledge. They demand the best from us.


Expert Advisers




Years in Business

Why choose us ?

We help you build your legacy
Its a simple fact, you cannot accomplish everything you want in your lifetime. But we can help you get close. With a sophisticated understanding and deep contacts in multinational, cross-border wealth management, your legacy will be defined, honored and passed on.


A journey that includes a road map, a guide and a clear destination. It almost seems easy to get where you want to go.

We're Creative

By clearing distractions, removing complications, and focusing on ‘less’, creativity arises seemingly naturally. Its a process we  nurture and perfect a little more each day.

We're Fresh

The world changes quickly – more so now than anytime in the past. Staying aware, active and participatory is refreshing. It keeps us ahead of the curve and in front of changes that affect your personal financial situation.

We Love People

Cliché as it sounds, we love working with others.  The human element of Wealth Management is the most important and stimulating.

Friendly Support

Our support staff is attentive, knowledgeable and friendly. Highly praised and accoladed, all our employees are well known and respected in their spheres of influence within the legal, accounting and medical professions.

We're Responsive

24/7/365 is now truly possible using appropriate technology and working across the globe. Our answers come quickly and directly through your preferred channel. We are always here and available.

We're Observant

Beyond just listening to what you are saying, we are looking for insights into what you mean, how you feel and what emotions your words provoke. Sounds like psychology? Well its called behavioral finance. And it can help you make better decisions.

We're Engaged

We make a commitment to spend our efforts and time together. Its is a definite shift to working for your betterment together. Following everything from financial markets to your life’s personal events is extremely devotional and rewarding.

We're Analytical

As a team, we have the ability to collect and analyze information, problem-solve, and make decisions. Even if your issues seem daunting, with extra focus and our experience and skills, we will find excellent solutions.

Connect with us

You can reach out to us by phone for immediate help, or drop a message to arrange a 'virtual' meeting via video.

Address: 9350 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 23, Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Telephone: (310) 359-6888
Fax: (310) 359-6889

Address: 2 High St, Chobham, Surrey GU24 8AA
Telephone: +44 7594 324560

Address: Juhkentali 8, Tallinn Estonia 10132
Telephone: +372 5980 2907

United States

Address: 9350 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 23, Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Telephone: (310) 359-6888
Fax: (310) 359-6889

United Kingdom

Address: 2 High St, Chobham, Surrey GU24 8AA
Telephone: +44 7594 324560

EU - Estonia

Address: Juhkentali 8, Tallinn Estonia 10132
Telephone: +372 5980 2907

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